Monday, May 23, 2011



As a writer, it takes time to show your improvement and writing skills. In the first semester, my essays were not that well- developed because the structure was somehow unclear. I had couple of runoff sentences that was indirectly stated. I used bad grammars and unclear tones. In my “This I believe” essay, I took time reforming and rephrasing just to make sure my essay make sense and sound accurate. I showed a general understanding that choices and decisions were related to personal values. I used Pathos to express emotion.
In the second semester, my essay improved from “developing” to “proficient/ college ready”. I developed clear position that shows actions and demonstrated impressive understanding. My essays improved as I started to write more and more. I got better and yes, thank god.
However, my papers are, now, well-develop and organize. I used several rhetorical analysis.

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