Monday, May 23, 2011

2nd semester essay

Write an essay about a time when you helped another person.

I have achieved many goals and helped so many people in life, but one thing I did my whole life time and never regretted was the time when I helped this old disable woman.
It all started on a hot sunny day during last summer when I went on vacation in Providence, Rhode Island to go see my cousins. Since I was four years old, I lost contacts with them until last summer. I was so glad to meet them. I had two cousins one named jay and the other named Joe. Jay was the superior one and Joe was the hard-headed who didn’t really care about strangers feelings.
As the story unfold, the clock is clicking, and time is passing by, Jay decided we should go to the mall since we were bored and had nothing to do but sit and watch TV. At first, Joe panicked and said “no”. However, Jay and I convinced him by saying “there was going to be lots of girls at the mall”. Joe is the type who would do damn near anything for just to get with a girl. Without hesitation, Joe quickly replied “let’s go”. It took us ten to fifteen minutes to get to the mall.
As soon as we got there, Joe complained about his hunger problem and how he needs some food before he passes away. Thankfully it was a McDonald at the mall so we stopped there. At my surprise, there was an old, disable lady, who was just lying down in front of the restaurant begging for money and food from every costumer that passes her way. She had no cash, master card, or identification; she was flat broke. Most people who walked pass her, sometimes stepped on her, cursed at her, and even ignored her as if she was nobody. It was our turn to order; jay ordered, Joe ordered and I was the last to order but I didn’t know what to get because I wasn’t really hungry. The other side of me was like “buy the old lady some food” and the other side was like “no, she isn’t anybody”. However, I followed my heart and did the right thing. I asked the waiter to serve the old woman with whatever she liked. Two hours later, after eating and wandering around the mall, I encountered the old woman at the door as I was exiting the mall. She called me and began to thank me for what I did and most importantly she granted me her blessings and said “You’ll never be poor in life”.
I was grateful and deep down my heart I knew my mom would have been too if she was around. In conclusion, I was successful at my well- being, hospitality, and support due to the fact that I’ve helped an elderly person. I’ve helped so many people in life but I can never forget that time, the time I helped the old woman.

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